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Business Sustainability Consulting

At Earthink Co., our professionals are trained and experienced in sustainable and traditional business practices. Administrative and support personnel keep up with the latest programs and business tools in use. Our business consultants bring education and experience in a variety of industries. And if our staff can't meet your needs, we'll help you find the professional who can!You can depend on our representatives to be attentive, discrete, professional, accurate and amicable as they facilitate an efficient implementation of services specific to your needs.We use every opportunity to increase our understanding of your needs and to better fulfill them through interviews, research and innovative strategies.  

Steps to Sustainability

1. Sustainability Assessment; using a combination of document audits, energy use audits, and other organizational knowledge and data determined through interviews, we generate a recommended list of sustainable energy and operational process opportunities and cost analyses.

2. Human Energy Assessment; Through a similar review process to step 1, we identify human resource sustainability opportunities and provide recommendations to assist in increasing productivity and longevity.

3. Business and Project Plans; we develop traditional and triple bottom line business plans and specific project strategic plans to cost-effectively guide your implementation and assist in obtaining funding and to use for other presentation needs.

4. Implementation Support Services; we assist you to implement a strategic plan to optimize the desired opportunities and integrate sustainable practices. This includes providing research, best practice standards, training and access to other external support services as needed.

Sustainable Business Services

Project management, accounting, administration and business planning services performed using efficient, sustainable methodologies, best industry protocols and the latest technological tools. Services are provided on contract, hourly or retainer basis at competitive prices and with high quality results. Special rates available.

Personal Consultations

Human energy dynamics apply very well to the individual intent on achieving specific goals, Through a combination of hour long sessions to investigate and develop personal success strategies and resource support services an Earthink Co. Consultant helps to set goals, gather resources, solve problems and reduce issues and barriers to your individual success. We can get you started or stick with you through completion as needed. Our goal is your success!