The EARThink CO Mission and Model

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Sustainability Mission

Our intention is to use available resources to create a high quality, long lasting and sustainable product that generates a net gain in energy for the community in terms of funds, prosperity and maintenance-restoration-care. Current products include business and personal consultation services.

Heart to Community Model

Earthink is set up on a sustainable organizational model of business as community member with all the inherent responsibilities. Thus the business minimizes its use of natural resources and functions to contribute to the community from profits. It provides services that sustain community ties, foster cooperation and maintain the highest quality. As an operational method, we employ human energy dynamic management techniques allowing employees to integrate a productive work cycle into a successful and productive life cycle in a way that creates energy, enthusiasm and joy. We call the business model the Heart to Community model. Its profitability is measured by the net gain in energy which translates into moderate cash profits and/or asset amortization.

Commerce is Community Based

More and more we understand that businesses are members of society, citizens of the community. As the architects of commerce, business owners and shareholders are responsible for creating businesses that function responsibly, sustainably and ethically.

People are Profits!

Contact us Today!

EARThink CO, Heart to Community Commerce